3rd XV Tour: Amsterdam 2003

Travel Arrangements

Friday 25th April

Monday 28th April

Exact times to be confirmed.


We are staying at the Hotel The Crown. According to their website, "The bar is open ALL day, and serves alcohol until 3 a.m. A wide variety of tap beers including Guinness, Kilkenny and Hoegaarden White are served.". Hurrah!.

Contact details are:

Hotel The Crown
O. Z. Voorburgval 21
1012EH Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: 0031(0)20.626.9664
Fax: 0031(0)20.420.6473

Click here for an interactive map of the area.


We have one match arranged for 13:00 Sunday 27th April, against Amstelveen RC 1890 3rd XV.

Tour Law


Fineable Offences

Finger pointing: All pointing is to be with the left elbow.
Chundering:Fines to be paid by both the puker and partner, the exception being any member of the stag party where they all pay.
Breakfast:Non-attendance is a fineable offence.


1 Euro = 1 blowjob, therefore if a fine is 5 Euro, the call is 5 blowjobs.


Even Hour drinking to be with the right hand with pinkie extended
Odd Hour drinking to be with the left hand with pinkie extended
On a call of Baghdad, everyone will down their drink.



Club jacket / blazer or club jumper
Smart trousers (not jeans)
Club tie
Tour hat
Tour flower (must be fresh)

Game Day

Club jacket / blazer or club jumper
Loud shorts
Club tie
Tour hat
Tour flower
One white sock
One black sock

Free Days

Tour polo shirt
Smart trousers (not jeans)
Tour hat
Tour flower

Do not forget to bring your rugby kit.


All these laws (and any susequently introduced) are liable to change without prior warning at the discretion of the Judge.

Ignorance of Tour Law is no excuse for breaking it, however, asking what the Law is is a finable offence.

Other Activities

Cost and Fundraising

The tour cost is £220.

This will get you:

There will be group meals organised on the Friday and Saturday nights which will cost £20 each in addition to the main cost. These are not optional.

As usual, any other food, drink, souvenirs, etc you require will not come from the kitty so pick up some of the local currency.

Tour Party

The current list of tourists is:

Adrian Bell Alan Gray Bruno Prior Chris "Meaty" Meade
Craig Young Dan Robinson Dave Goodman Dave Thomas
Ivan McKenzie John Wakeling Lawrence Clark Luke McAndrew
Mark Robinson Neil Evans Nick Harris Nigel Barton
Pete Clipsham Richard Flower Robin Mahadeo Ron Butler
Ross Drake Scott Vann Simon Womack Stephen Bourne
Tim Robinson Tony "Scud" Rawlings    

Names in green denote virgins (as always, having toured with other teams doesn't count).
Names in blue are Mr. Gray's Stag party, who will be joining us for the majority of the tour.
For tour officers, room allocation, etc, click here.