Ljubljana 2007

Travel Arrangements

Thursday 5th April

Sunday 8th April


We are staying at the Hotel Park.

Contact details are:

Hotel Park,
Tabor 9,
1000 Ljubljana

Tel: +386 1 300 2 500
Fax: +386 1 433 05 46

Click here for a map of the area.


We will be playing a match on Good Friday against Rugby Klub Ljubljana, hopefully with a curtain raiser at a more social level.

Tour Law


All these laws (and any subsequently introduced) are liable to change without prior warning at the discretion of the Judge. Ignorance of Tour Law is no excuse for breaking it, however, asking what the Law is is a finable offence.

Dress code


Match day:

Free Day:

At other times dress is at the Judge's discretion. Do not forget to bring your rugby kit.

Drinking Rules

Other Rules

Other Activities

Cost and Fundraising

The total cost will be £300.

This will get you:

As usual, any other food, drink, souvenirs, etc you require will not come from the kitty so pick up some of the local currency - as of 01/01/2007 this is Euros. The current exchange rate can be found at XE.com's Universal Currency Converter.

Tour Party

The current list of tourists is:

Alex Gallina Andy "Dak" Wells Anthony "Ginge" Lane Ashley Riley
Brendon Lynch Chris "Meaty" Meade Dan Robinson Dave Allen
Dave Thomas Don Marsh Greg Riley Joe Plamus
John "Mad Dog" Randal John Wanklyn Kevin Young Luke McAndrew
Mark Bates Mark Parkhouse Myke Parrot Nick Harris
Nick Tonks Paul Savage Peter Bluck Phil White
Richie Craig Rob Hollingsworth Rob Wilkins Roger Smith
Ron "Grandad" Butler Simon Cripps Steve Bourne Steve "Prinny" Prince
Tim Smalley      

Names in green denote virgins. As always, having toured with other teams doesn't count.

For more information on the touring party, click here.